What does the idiom wore a poker face mean

He has his poker face on, only the wriggling of his foot could give him away. Without comment, he took the two cards he needed, hiding his contempt behind his poker face. He kept a poker face, reported the facts, and protected his sources. The magnificent Rampling has the gravitas and the poker face necessary to pull off the mysterious role. poker what does under the gun mean - 1000 CHF Gratuits

How to use this dictionary Finding an idiom Where do you look? ..... Both papers did an about-face and published a condemnation of his actions. ... they do something, you mean that they must never, for any reason do that thing. ...... a lot of money from someone, usually by cheating them' He got into a game of poker with two NTC's Thematic Dictionary of American Idioms English language—United States—Idioms—Dictionaries. 2. Figures of ... system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, ..... badly. • She's so mean to her children. ... take something at face value to accept ...... As the anesthetic wore off, the patient ...... an expression in the card game poker.). GMAT Idiom eBook - AWS

What does the phrase, 'I wear my heart on my sleeve' mean ...

What does 'Poker face' mean? - Idiom Definition ... What does the idiom 'Poker face' mean? Discover the definition of 'Poker face' in our extensive dictionary of English idioms and idiomatic expressions. Poker face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary A visage lacking any expression that can be interpreted, as in Whenever Betty attended one of her children's performances, she managed to keep a poker face .This term alludes to the facial expression of a poker player who is expert at concealing his feelings about his hand. What does poker face mean? definition, meaning and ...

Old Colonial era idioms & sayings we use today | Williamsburg Tours

Lady Gaga - Poker Face Lyrics Meaning - Lyric Interpretations Poker Face is about many things. Lady Gaga has been asked many times the meaning of this song and she has given several different answers. First and foremost, it is obvious that lyrically Poker Face is about sex and gambling; or more specifically, sex, with the use of gambling metaphors. Poker - definition of poker by The Free Dictionary Define poker. poker synonyms, poker pronunciation, poker translation, English dictionary definition of poker. n. One that pokes, especially a metal rod used to stir a fire. n. Any of various card games played by two or more players who bet on the value of their...

14 Things You Will Relate To If You Have A Poker Face. ... Poker Face (noun) : an impassive expression that hides one's true feelings. Having a poker face is both a gift and a curse. While you can ...

Mar 18, 2013 ... For example, act can mean "do something" or "perform in a play or movie. .... The announcement is the latest sign of the abrupt about-face Minnesota has executed on the ...... Using the phrase outside of poker began in the later 1800's. ...... explaining why she wore pink when she married Justin Timberlake. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms - PDF Free Download

Idiom: What does "face the music" mean? - YouTube

Lady Gaga Reveals Hidden True Meaning Behind ‘Poker Face ...

Lady Gaga Reveals Hidden True Meaning Behind ‘Poker Face ... Lady Gaga Has Revealed The Inspiration For Her 'Poker Face' Hit. The singer performed at an exclusive gig in December at London's Mayfair's private member's club, hosted by Belvedere vodka.