Casino of pope pius iv

Toggle navigation. VuFind. The Casino of Pius IV. Доступ.Вилла папы Пия IV в Ватикане. Ее архитектурное решение, темы и художественные особенности ленных украшений и фресок. Casino of Pius IV | villa, Vatican City | Ligorio also built the Casino of Pope Pius IV (Casina di Pio IV) in the Vatican Gardens (1558–62) and the Rotunda with Baldassare Peruzzi (1481–1536). He decorated his works with profuse stucco ornament; the Casino is a good example of his decoration. Ligorio also published a work on Roman…

Reveillon au casino de montreux. Casino di pio iv via ... Casino di, pio, iV : definition “Muses, where Ligorio reinterprets the iconography of the Muses with.2 The Casina's rich and at times obscure iconographic programme, of the efficacy of baptism, the primacy of the papacy and the welcomed punitive powers of the Church, 3 seems to have been inspired by Cardinal Charles Borromeo, nephew of Pius ... The Casino of Pius IV in the Vatican - ResearchGate Il Casino di Pio IV nei Giardini Vaticani fu progettata dall'antiquario Pirro Ligorio (c. 1531–83), uno degli archeologici classici più competenti del sedicesimo secolo.

Giardino e Casino Pontificio del Vaticano -

The sentence was afterwards declared unjust by St. Pius V and the memory of the victims vindicated and their estates restored. Cardinal Morone and other dignitaries whom Paul had imprisoned for suspicion of heresy were released. Pius IV now devoted his undivided attention to the completion of the labours of the Council of Trent. He was luckier ... Casino della Vigna di Papa Giulio III - Pope Julius III built an elegant fountain on Via Flaminia at the entrance of his suburban Villa (or as it was called then Vigna=Vineyard, because the main building -Casino- was surrounded by a large cultivated area). Pope Pius IV completed the small palace adjoining the fountain. Pius IV Facts - In 1556 Pope Paul IV assigned him to the archdiocese of Foligno. On Dec. 25, 1559, Medici was elected pope and took the name Pius IV. Pius IV faced a serious challenge to his diplomatic finesse in the problem of the Council of Trent, which had been suspended since 1552. In 1562 the council was reassembled by his mandate.

Casino di Papa Pio IV Pinacoteca Vaticana. The Plate (No. 182) This 1761 etching by Giuseppe Vasi is an interesting record of the changes made by Pope Clement XIII to the surroundings and accesses to the small casino designed by Pirro Ligorio for Pope Pius IV in 1561.

Niccolò Trometta | Saint Matthew, Seated, with Angel, and Two Small ... ... A native of Pesaro, he is first documented in Rome in 1561, when he was employed on the decoration of the Casino of Pope Pius IV in the Vatican gardens . Villa Pia | Vatican City | The Vatican | OzOutback Nov 5, 1994 ... Villa Pia, also called the Casino Pio, a small summer house in the Vatican Gardens, that was built for Pope Pius IV in 1560. Villa Pia was ... Pirro Ligorio: The Renaissance Artist, Architect, and Antiquarian By ... ... an Italian architect and antiquarian who designed the Casino of Pius IV and ... to his work in Rome, where he served several popes and pored over Ancient ... Architecture - History of Art: Architecture and Sculpture

Pius IV | pope |

Pius IV Facts -

Election. On the death of Pope Paul IV, he was elected pope on 25 December 1559, taking the name Pius IV, and installed on 6 January 1560. His first public acts of importance were to grant a general pardon to the participants in the riot after the death of his predecessor, and to bring to trial the nephews of his predecessor.

Order of Saint Stephen - Wikipedia The Order of Saint Stephen (Official: Sacro Militare Ordine di Santo Stefano Papa e Martire, "Holy Military Order of St. Stephen Pope and Martyr") is a Roman Catholic Tuscan dynastic military order founded in 1561. Pie IV — Wikipédia Jean-Ange de Médicis (en italien Giovanni Angelo Medici di Marignano), né à Milan le 31 mars 1499 , fut le 224 e pape de l’ Église catholique de 1559 à 1565 sous le nom de Pie IV (en latin Pius IV, en italien Pio IV). Pirro Ligorio | Italian architect | Ligorio also built the Casino of Pope Pius IV (Casina di Pio IV) in the Vatican Gardens (1558–62) and the Rotunda with Baldassare Peruzzi (1481–1536).

Casina Pio IV - Wikipedia